Look at those beautiful blue eyes! Vanessa was a natural in front of the camera and has a perfect "smize"! Her sweet mare, Sage, is a reining horse but is now retired due to an injury. Vanessa said that Sage is had her heart from day one, and these pictures were a sweet way to capture their relationship.

Vanessa had two prints created: one black background portrait of Sage and the stunning close up of the two of them together.

A peek behind the curtain! Black background portraits can take place anywhere! For this set, we used a covered shelter so there would be even lighting. But as you can see, the before is not glamorous! We try to get as much perfect in person as possible, but editing magic is always necessary to really create a work of art. If you look closely, you'll see some pesky flies removed and whiskers trimmed in addition to the black background created.
